maandag 9 september 2013

My first days in Ottawa

It's only two days ago that I arrived in Canada, but it seems much longer. So many new things, so many new people! The thing that keeps amazing me are all the stop signs. Okay, not the stop signs in itself, but the fact that everybody really stops even when there are no other cars around. Another funny thing is that they have milk in plastic bags! I have never seen something like that before :-)

This morning I went to the Greenbelt Baptist Church. The moment I got in there, immediately I felt very welcome! So many people came to me for a chat! Being used to church services with about 25 people in Rovereto, I have loved to be with a big room full of brothers and sisters! During the service they called me to the stage and introduced me and prayed for me. After the service people had the opportunity to come to a meeting where I would tell more about my ministry. About 15 people showed up and we had a very good meeting. I was very encouraged by their questions and their interest! Praise the Lord! I was quite nervous before the meeting, but in the end I really enjoyed it (as always when I talk about Italy :-)

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